Last Rodeo

Clothing Credits !
Mesh Head: The Shops by TheMeshProject
Skin on head and hairbase: Vive Nine by Sanya Bilavio (NEW) (Exclusively for The Shops Mesh Head)
Mesh head Lips and Eyebrows: The Shops by The Shops
Skin: Vive Nine by Sanya Bilavio
Earrings: LaGyo by Gyorgyna Larnia (NEW)
Ponytail: Lelutka by Thora Charron
Vest: Milk Motion by Marie Lauridsen
Dress: Tres Blah by Julliette Westerburg
Shoes: COCO by Cocoro Lemon
Pose: Dream Print by Ashlie Coba

Horse: Hideki by Hideki Carami


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